I can’t believe we are already 1/3 of the way through his first year! Life with Everett is starting to get really fun! He is starting to show us so much of his personality. Kevin and I (Anna) are both starting to think he may be an extrovert. He constantly wants to be held facing outward walking around so that he can see everything that is going on. He loves talking to us and laughing at us. Everett’s giggles are just the cutest. Kevin’s Cookie Monster impression is the best thing ever. Glory our yellow lab isn’t so sure about it and may be a little jealous when Kevin tells Everett all about those cookies. We are both secretly waiting to see whose name he will say first. Will it be Mamma or Dadda? Everett loves his toes and is almost able to stick those little cuties in his mouth. I’m beginning to wonder if he is about to cut a tooth (cue the crying tears) because he loves to chew on his hands and his toys with some frustration. We can no longer keep him unattended in his seat on the couch. He is starting to scoot right out of it. These days Everett is pretty snuggly. It makes our late night feedings so special as tiring as they may be. We are trying to enjoy every little minute with our sweet Everett because every day he is growing and changing. We are so blessed to have our family full of baby snuggles. We have had our ups and down through this season, but we keep telling ourselves that it won’t last forever and Everett is going to grow up so fast. We are just trying to cherish all of these special moments even when we want to pull our hair out. Time really does start moving faster when you have kids.